Sunday, November 18, 2012

Check Out My Interview on the Pagan Rapport

Silver Shadow over at The Pagan Rapport has uploaded a new episode where he has interviewed me. Under the archives you should find it as Episode 9. It was great getting a chance to sit down and chat with Silver Shadow who runs an excellent show and podcast.

During the episode I answered a whole host of great questions which allowed us to cover some really interesting topics like the Djinn, Goetia, Hoodoo, Quimbanda, Santisima Muerte, my newest books, and much more. I just finished listening to it and its a great show. Do check it out here and be sure to download it.

If you have not already subscribed to The Pagan Rapport, I highly recommend it as Silver Shadow puts up quality interviews, podcasts, and posts that are interesting, informative, and very engaging.

I hope you all enjoy the interview and be sure to send me your feedback!


  1. Great interview: very informative and deep. I definitely learnt a lot. Thank you very much.

  2. Thank you for the comment. I have been getting great feedback from it.

  3. Just listened to the interview--very interesting. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I'd love if it you shared other links to print or podcast interviews of yours.

  4. Thank you William. I update my blog whenever I do a new interview or such.
