Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Review of My Santisima Muerte Book

I've been getting great feedback and reviews for my Santisima Muerte book including a blog post by Doctor Hob, a skilled rootworker and reader, who has put up a review on his site. It is a great review so definitely check it out.

Be sure to also check out his blog which is filled with many other reviews, great insights, and wonderful information.

If you haven't picked up your copy you can grab it directly from Hadean Press.

ConjureMan Ali

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Check Out My Interview on the Pagan Rapport

Silver Shadow over at The Pagan Rapport has uploaded a new episode where he has interviewed me. Under the archives you should find it as Episode 9. It was great getting a chance to sit down and chat with Silver Shadow who runs an excellent show and podcast.

During the episode I answered a whole host of great questions which allowed us to cover some really interesting topics like the Djinn, Goetia, Hoodoo, Quimbanda, Santisima Muerte, my newest books, and much more. I just finished listening to it and its a great show. Do check it out here and be sure to download it.

If you have not already subscribed to The Pagan Rapport, I highly recommend it as Silver Shadow puts up quality interviews, podcasts, and posts that are interesting, informative, and very engaging.

I hope you all enjoy the interview and be sure to send me your feedback!

Friday, November 2, 2012

My New Book: Santisima Muerte

Hadean Press has just released my new book called Santisima Muerte: How to Call and Work with Holy Death. This short treatise is a complete instruction manual for anyone interested in learning about or working with Santisima Muerte. I go over her history, her legends and background, how to set up a proper altar, and how to properly work with her. There is a great deal of misinformation about Santisima Muerte and this text hopes to finally offer for the English-speaker her whole cult from someone who actually works with her.

The book is the culmination of years of research, study under curanderas, and actual work by a member of her cult. I have worked with Santisima Muerte for quite some time and honor her regularly and the book itself is my offering to her for all the wonderful things she has done for me.

In addition to everything you need to know on how to get started with her, I've also included several actual "trabajos" or works with her. You'll have step-by-step instructions on how to perform her novena, how to do love-bindings, to call upon her protection, make amulets, and even how invoke the Santisima Muerte for revenge and justice. I've also included instructions on how to appease Santisima Muerte as there are instances of people who have had an enemy invoke her against them. This text will teach you how to turn back the hand of Death should it have been raised against you.

For those who are interested in her academically, while the history aspect is brief as I wanted to emphasize the practical, it is thorough and  my own background in academia has ensured that the anthropolgist and researcher will have enough meat to find the text useful.

You can purchase the book directly from Hadean Press here.

If you have not picked up my previous text on Saint Cyprian, you might want to check it out as these two spirits and saints often go hand-in-hand and you'll find it useful to read up on both of them together.